
  • Dumbed down the AI so enemies don't head straight for the gold. Instead they pick a random walkable tile on the map and head for that. If they spot the gold on the way they update their goal. If they spot the exit they also remember that for later. When they pick up the gold it's the same logic. Random spot and hope to find the exit.
  • Made it so there's a 50/50 chance that the ltunnel starts from room 0 of the last room. This makes it so there's a few more paths to get to the Gold in most randomisations. Quite often there would only be one entrance to the gold which makes it easy to defend.
  • Enemies no longer fight each other for the gold. Unexpected consequence is they'd often get stuck trying to go in opposite directions in a tunnel. Now if they're blocked they pick another random location and try to move there. I plan to make the enemies hostile to the player if they see it after the gold has been picked up. This way they're not all trying to chase the one enemy with the gold, but instead trying to stop the player grab the gold back.
  • There's a bug where the player picks up the Gold. I shouldn't allow that.

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Mar 06, 2024

Get Save the Gold - 2024 7DRL Version

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